Neurological Care

Neurological Care
If you have been diagnosed with a brain disorder, spinal cord injury or disorder, or a nerve disorder, then you may have trouble moving, speaking, swallowing, breathing, or learning. You may also have problems with your memory, senses, or mood.
The Arden provides skilled nursing care by monitoring vital signs and changes in mental status; advising the importance of medication management; providing medical equipment and oversight; teaching effective pain management; providing risk assessments in nutrition, skin breakdown, falls and environmental safety; and aiding in bowel and bladder management. We can also provide home health aides for assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, skin observation, and transferring.
There are many conditions that negatively impact the brain and nervous system, and if severe enough they will require specialist neurological care services throughout the process, which covers everything from treatment to rehabilitation. As these conditions are becoming more common, it also becomes more important to understand how and where to receive effective treatment.