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Tracheostomy Care

Tracheostomy Care

With Arden in-home nursing services, get the most of our healthcare services available in the comfort of your home. Encompassing highly qualified nurses for Post-Operative Care, Brain Injury, Stroke Care, Spinal Care, Lung Infection, Lung Cancer and our team is devoted to providing you with the compassionate care you deserve

Tracheostomy is an important surgical procedure that is used in the treatment of several health complications like, in an emergency situation when the upper respiratory tract is blocked, a tracheotomy is performed to bypass the obstruction in the upper airway and provide oxygen to the lungs or to remove secretions from the lungs.

Some of the health conditions that require tracheostomy are as follows

  • When the upper respiratory tract is blocked by any foreign object
  • In case of injury to the larynx, neck or mouth
  • In cases of severe infection in the upper respiratory tract like in the epiglottis or croup
  • Presence of tumor in the upper respiratory tract that is causing blockages in breathing normally
  • To treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • In the treatment of Chronic Pulmonary Disease
  • In the dysfunction of the diaphragm
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Coma
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